Our beautiful Luscious Hot Pink & Orange Gerbera Bouquet is a beautiful statement of love. This bright pink and orange bouquet of flowers includes hot pink roses and carnations with orange lilies and hot pink gerbera daises.
This beautiful hot pink gerbera bouquet is 17" H x 12" W and is an all the way around arrangement.
The DELUXE size is pictured. The STANDARD Option will have less flowers than the picture. The PREMIUM Option will have more flowers of the hot pink and orange variety.
This lovely pink and orange bouquet of flowers can be delivered the same day in Webster TX or any of our surrounding delivery areas.
Hot Pink Gerbera Bouquet | Orange and Hot Pink Flowers
We also offer EXPRESS DELIVERY. All orders are delivered in the order they are placed. Choose the PLATINUM option to guarantee your delivery by 11am, or the GOLD option to guarantee your delivery by 1pm. For more information on our delivery policy click here.