Delivery Policy for Enchanted Florist
Enchanted Florist offers same day flower delivery of custom flower arrangements in our local delivery area (more on delivery area here.) Most flower arrangements, roses, and plants can have same day delivery if ordered by 1pm during non-holiday times.
To ensure delivery, please provide the customer's phone number, full correct address, whether its a business, and work hours. We can not guarantee same day delivery if not provided with a phone number.
We WILL NOT deliver to apartments with out a phone number.
We can send your flower arrangements across the country. Not all products listed on our website will be availble in all cities. We can also send flowers globally. Please contact us by phone to send flowers internationally.
We are closed Sundays, Saturdays after 1pm, and most major holidays including but not limited to Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, and New Years Day.
Express Delivery Options for Enchanted Florist
Platinum Delivery Option
Platinum delivery option is available and guarantees that your flowers will be delivered by 11AM. This express platinum option is only available if the flowers are purchased the previous business day by 5PM. The platinum delivery charge is in addition to the delivery charge.
Gold Delivery Option
Gold delivery option is available and guarantees that your flower arrangements or potted plants will be delivered by 1pm on the day of your choosing. This express gold option is only available if the flowers are purchased no later than the same day by 9am. The gold delivery charge is in addition to the delivery charge.
Hot Shot Delivery Option
Our Hot Shot Delivery Option is for when you need something delivered within an hour, or delivered with in a 10-30 minute time frame. There is a $24.95 fee for our Hot Shot service, unless it is a holiday. Holiday prices and avalaibility may vary, please call our store if you need a Hot Shot delivery.